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GK = Top 20 Questions with Mcq's and Fill ups.



MCQ’s type questions, 

1. Which of these is a variant of the tropical rainforest?

 (a) Savanna     (b)     Mangrove forest        (c)    Taiga 

Answer → (b) Mangrove forest 

2. Rainforests provide which of the following products?

 (a) Coffee         (b)     Raw materials for chewing gum        (c) Both

Answer → (c) Both 

3. What type of soil is found in tropical rainforests?

(a) Thick and infertile        (b)    Thick and fertile             (c) Fertile

Answer → (a) Thick and infertile 

4. Rainforests play which of these significant roles?

(a) Control weather patterns     (b)      Maintain Earth’s limited supply of drinking and freshwater         (c) Both

Answer – (c) Both

5. What is a major threat to rainforest ecosystems?

 (a) Volcanoes     (b)    Forest fires       (c)     Illegal logging

Answer – (c) Illegal logging 

6. This rainforests has been referred to as the ‘lungs of our planet’.

(a) African rainforest          (b)    Amazon rainforest         (c)    Asian rainforest

Answer – (b) Amazon rainforest 

7. What is the top part of a rainforest called?

(a) Canopy      (b)    Emergent layer     (c)     Green roof

Answer – (b) Emergent layer 

8. In which layer of the rainforest do snakes live apart from the forest floor?

(a) Understory       (b)      Canopy layer        (c)      Emergent layer

Answer – (b) Canopy layer 

9. Many plants have found ways to adapt themselves to the rainforest. One of these is a vine called Liana. Which option below describes how they survive in the rainforest?

(a) They climb the trunks of other trees in search of light (b) Their leaves are often arranged at different angles so that it avoids shading its own leaves (c) Both

Answer – (a) They climb the trunks of trees in search of light

10. What is the percentage of the Earth’s total surface is covered with rainforests?

(a) More than 6%         (b)     More than 2%      (c)    Less than 2%  

Answer – (c) Less than 2%  

Fill in the blanks, 

1. Tropical rainforests represents the oldest major vegetation type that is still present on the terrestrial Earth. True or False? TRUE. 

2. Rainforests are located in a band around the equator between which two areas? TROPIC OF CANCER AND CAPRICORN. 

3. What is a Green Mantella? RAINFOREST FROG. 

4. Most of the rainforests are located in which three continents? ASIA, AFRICA AND SOUTH AFRICA. 

5. How many layers are there in rainforests? FOUR. 

6. Poison arrow frogs live in rainforests. Where do they lay their eggs? On LEAVES. 

7. This brilliant colored bird found in tropical America is the largest species of parrots. Name it. MACAW. 

8. Continuous sunshine is crucial for the diversity of rainforests. How many hours of sunlight does a tropical receive, every day, throughout the year? 12 HOURS. 

9.  Which rainforests plant has helped increase the survival rate for Acute Child Leukaemia? ROSY PERIWINKLE. 

10.  Which layer of the rainforest is home to birds and butterflies? EMERGENT LAYER.

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