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Science = Chapter - 1 Crop Production and Management

Chapter - 1

Crop Production and Management


Important terms :--) 

1. Agriculture – Growing plants for the commercial use and to get the food.

2. Crops – The same kind of plants grown on a large scale.

 3. Animal Husbandry – The science which deals with the breeding, feeding and caring of domestic animals for the commercial use.

 4. Weeds – The unwanted plants that grow along with the main crops.

 5. Ploughing - The process of loosening and turning of soil.

6. Irrigation – The supply of water to crops at regular intervals.

 7. Harvesting – The process of cutting and gathering of crop after its maturation.

 8. Sowing – The process of putting seeds into the land to grow the plant.

9. Manure and Fertilizers – These both matters are used to help to grow seed as a plant rapidly.

10.  Storage – This process is used to put any type of crop to the special places to make them best. 



 All living organisms require food because it provides us energy to perform the various actions such as Excretion, Digestion, and Respiration. Plants can make their food by the process of photosynthesis. We take the food from plants and animals both. In order to provide this food on a large scale there is requirement of Regular production, Proper management and Distribution is necessary 

  TYPES OF CROPS :--)   

1. Kharif Crops – The crops which are grown in rainy seasons (from March to October).

Examples are Paddy (rice), Maize and Soybean, etc. 

2. Rabi Crops –The crops which are grown in winter seasons (from June to September).

Examples are Wheat, Pea and Mustard, etc. 

3. Zaid Crops – The crops which are grown in summer seasons (from March to June).

Examples are Pumpkin, Muskmelon and Watermelon, etc. 


 Agricultural practices refer to those practices/activities which are including to grow a crop. 

 Basic Agriculture practices are as follows :--)

1. Preparing of soil    2. Selection and sowing of seeds    3. Adding Manure and Fertilizers                        4. Irrigation       5. Protection from weeds        6. Harvesting                                7. Storage         

1. Preparation of soil,

In this process we will prepare the soil (as name is indicating) by making it loose and by turning it. And we will prepare the soil because it is a medium (way) where if our soil is made good then our crop will also be good. It needs to turn and loose so that roots permit by us to penetrate itself deep into the soil. The loose soil allows the roots to breath (grow) easily even when they go deep into the soil and the turn soil increasing the friendly microbes (microorganisms) and earthworms which help to provide humus to the soil. This loosening and turning of soil process is also being known as Ploughing and Tilling. We can prepare the soil by the use of Plough, Hoe and Cultivator which are considered  as Agricultural Implements. 

(i) Plough – It is used to loose and turn the soil and also to remove the weeds. It has a strong triangular                                                           Ploughshare. There is a long rod of wood which is known as Plough shaft and also it has a handle which is carried by bullocks.

(ii)   Hoe - It is used to remove weeds and to make the soil as loose. A broad, strong and bent iron plate is found to its longer wooden end. It is carried by bullocks.         

(iii) Cultivator – It is used to turn, loosed and to remove the weeds. Nowadays all things are done by cultivators and it is attached with tractors.       

2. Selection and sowing of seeds -  

In this process we have to select the seeds and to sow (to put inside the soil) them as its name is indicating. For better crop, we have to select the good and undamaged seeds and if we select the worse and damaged seeds then while irrigation they come above the soil due to low tensile strength and undamaged and good seeds do not because their tensile strength is high and after selecting good and undamaged seeds, we have to sow them inside the soil like that they are in the right depth, neither to shallow nor to depth and at right intervals so that they get proper air, sunlight and nutrients. Sowing can be done by the any method of the given below, (a) Broadcasting – The method in which the seeds are scattered over the field by using hands. (b) Traditional tool – That tool name is funnel because it is like a funnel shaped. The seeds filled into the funnel are passed down through two or three pipes having sharp ends. These end pierce into the soil and place seeds there. (c) Transplantation – The process of transferring the seedling from nurseries to field is known as Transplantation. (d) Seed drill – It is the modern farming method which is like a funnel connected to several tubes. The drill is attached to a plough, the seeds in seed bowl are released through the tubes and get deposited in the soil and it sown the seeds uniformly. It is carried by tractors


3. Adding Manure and Fertilizers -

 This process is used to provide humus and fertility to the soil. Manures are more considered as good as Fertilizers because manure can be prepared in home by animal decomposition and plant waste and animal dung. Fertilizers are NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium). If we are purchasing any fertilizers then it will be of good quality so that our crop will also be good.

4. Irrigation -

 In this process we provide supply of water at regular intervals, so it is known as IRRIGATION. It provides proper growth and development of seeds and fruits. It is depend on the Nature of crop plants and nature of soil and season when crop plants are grown. It is very essential for plant because, (i) Germination can’t be there (ii) Nutrients can’t be reached to other parts of plants (iii) Water protects the crop from drought The irrigation can be done by 2 methods, (i) Traditional – It contains Moat, chain pump, dhekli and rahat. (ii) Modern – It contain drip and sprinkler system Moat: This can be done by a vessel which we all say to that m atka and with this we fill water into the vessel then separate into field.

Chain Pump: This can be done by using tube wells. With tube wells it directly start providing water to the field by means of electricity. Dekhli – It can be done by taking water from the wells and just separate that into the fields. Rahat – It can be done with the help of animals (bullocks). Bullocks rotate the handle and with that the spring wheel start moving and start separating water into the fields. Drip system – This system is used to irrigate water drop by drop so that the roots can take water easily and make it best by make it more wet. This is considered great methods according to modern farming methods of irrigation. Sprinkler system – In this system water will go the plants like rainfall by means of rotating nozzles and plants root can’t able to take water much greater than  like that in drip the water reached drop by drop but in sprinkler it does not so it is not considered as good method compare to drip method. 


Weeds are the unwanted plants that grow along with the main crops and it make competition between the plants and the plants are not able to grown more quickly because of weeds. These can be done by using Spraying and by using Sickle. Spraying – It is a modern farming method to remove the weeds by the chemicals. Sickle – It is manually type methods used to remove weeds without using chemicals. Weeds are also controlled by weedicides like 2, 4-D (2, 4 – Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) 


In this process after maturing the crop we will cut that by using sickle and by using harvester machine (combine) Sickle – It is also known as draath in our language and by this we can cut the crop by more labour and it takes times at least 3-4 days to cut that crop by using sickle. Harvester – It is also known as Combine in our language and by these we can cut the crop by using this machine in one day and no labour is required instead of drivers. Two word ‘threshing and winnowing’ came from this group that’s mean is to remove the chaff from grains. Winnowing means to separate chaff from grains by using small holding of land. 

7. Storage -

In this process after done all this things we will just store that crop in Silos and Granaries Silos – These are the large platform to store the crop. Granaries – These are the small platform to store the crop. And we will put some chemically type medicine and dried neem leave to protect crops from al the wastes.  


The science which deals with the breeding, feeding and take care of animals for the commercial use and to get food .



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